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Základní informace

The company AAP HRANICE was founded with a view to apply a long-time knowledge and experiences with realization of industrial floors. Major activity of the company is realization of new industrial floors and redevelopments of existing industrial floors, realization of monolithic constructions, anhydride screeds and redevelopment of stairs surfaces. We provide orders of wide range for important investors as well as works of smaller range for small businessmen and private persons. You can expect professional access, high-quality and high rate with usage of high-quality and tried materials. By virtue of personal consultations, researches and buildings inspection we are able to offer and realize the most suitable floor system that fulfils operating, aesthetic and economic conditions. Our prime endeavour is high-quality product and our final objective is satisfied client.

Adresa a kontakty

Zámrsky 113


753 01

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 581 623 587

Mob.:+420 777 763 230

Fax: +420 581 623 587



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